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The project Priorat Centre d'Art (PcdA) started its activities in the summer of 2006, with the aim of setting up a ContemporaryArtCenter in the region of El Priorat (Catalonia). We have started a number of basic lines as a preliminary to this future ArtCenter in order to shape its characteristics. A series of activities are developing gradually and allowing the introduction of some concepts as well as their multidisciplinary formalization within the scope of contemporary culture.

Sphere of action, conceptual exposition, aims

A fully integrated performance plan has been created with the aim of bringing closer, provoking and producing activities in the field of contemporary culture, in all of its different conceptual aspects and specially focused on the visual arts. The lines of work will be interconnected and complementary, expanding the concept that motivates this programming, opening some ways, derivations and links that are all giving feedback to each other. The physical features of the area are carefully taken into account, as well as the social reality and the cultural state of the region. A parallel line of work with character of pedagogical divulgation complements all of the proposals that are carried out, and allows approaching and seducing a range of public with different background and age. Our intention is to reach most of the population in a natural way and rouse a stream of receptiveness among the people and organizations in the area. That is to say, to set up some mechanisms to make the reception easier and, in addition, to help to the anchorage of a more experimental and contemporary range of cultural manifestations in El Priorat. This project is understood as an open project, which is agile and susceptible to change and to adapt to the situations, realities and needs of every moment.

Lines of action

They are structured around three basic axes: spreading, production and investigation within the scope of contemporary culture and especially of the visual arts. A series of actions are developed around these axes with the purpose of strengthening and promoting them appropriately. The distinctive features of this art center will arise from the overlapping and balance of these three general concepts.